Monday 15 July 2013

Benefits of warm water / boiled and cooled water?

Now-a- days everybody prefers to take cold water or chilled water. The reason they point out is that it is giving pleasure and satisfaction immediately to the one who is thirsty. Secondly, it gives coolant effect to the body as well as mind. But,the real benefit is hidden in the warm water or boiled and cooled water. Excess intake of cold/chilled water may cause cold, rhinitis, indigestion,  heaviness,headache,mal digestion etc in some of the individuals.More than that,it becomes the reason for tissue damage( easy lodgment of the free oxidants in the tissues) and hence it will be the simple cause for stagnation of the morbidity in the body. Thus chances of getting heftiness will be  6 times more in the individuals who are taking the cold water than the people who drink warm water.Secondly,when the water is boiled, it will be free from the germs and hence becomes safe for intake. But,due to the difficulty while during the journey,people are taking cold/chilled water. Even though this serves the purpose when we are thirsty, it never fulfills our true need.So,it will be wise to take quantity sufficient warm water/boiled and cooled water during our tours and travels as it is economic,safer,quite beneficial and moreover light for digestion .   

Here is the list of other benefits of warm water, as per the reference cited in Charaka samhita,oldest treatise of Ayurveda:

*  facilitates digestion
* promotes urine output
* expels out the urinary calculus
* cheers up immediately
* helps in the reduction of free fat in the body
* keeps us alert and enthusiastic
*decreases the chances of acid belching
*promotes perspiration
*increases the free flow of the micro-nutrients and
*acts as best vehicle/after-drink (anupana) for most of the medicaments

Warm water is appreciated very well in the following conditions in the text-Sharngadhara samhita:Kaphaja(phlegm) disorders,rheumatoid arthritis,diseases of the adipose tissue/fat, diseases of the urinary tract/urinary bladder,indigestion,cough,breathlessness/asthama and fever.

Moreover, there are no any absolute contra-indications for Warm water/Boiled water!

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