Horse gram seeds are the common pulses used in routine in some of the villages of India. Even though it is not regular, it has taken unique place even in the kitchen of the cities too.
The name horse gram is given, probably with three intentions-
1. 1. appreciation by the cattle and particularly the horses
2. the energy and strength it provides (like horse)
3. the colour resemblance
2. the energy and strength it provides (like horse)
3. the colour resemblance
The medicinal use of horse gram dates back to Charaka and Susrutha samhita(1-2 century BC). It is referred as kulattha(in sanskrit) in these texts. Acharya Charaka categorized it as a diaphoretic (swedopaga).
In various ayurvedic texts, it is called with different names like – tamra beeja,stiramutra, kaala vrudda,kulittha,shweta beeja,sitetara,anilapaha, kharshana, peetarmudga, aliskandha, surashtaka, tamra vrinta etc.
Vernacular names of horse gram
Sanskrit- kulattha
Telugu – vulavalu
Hindi- kulthi
Malayalam-kollu, mutira
Distribution of the plant
Plant is cultivated more or less in various parts of the country. The plant also grass on roadsides as shrubs. It is propagated by seeds too.
Eeven though it is less known in some of the regions, it is utilised plenty in villages. The whole seeds of horse gram are used as cattle feed also.
The seed sprouts are consumed as a whole in breakfast by the village side labourers. In South India, its curry, soup and sambhar is also prepared and served.
Chemical composition
It is an excellent source of iron and molybdenum
It contains urea and protein in significant quantity.
Nutritive values of Horse gram
Protein- 20-22g
Carbohydrate- 55-57g
Fat- 0.5g
Calcium- 285mg
Phosphorus- 310 mg
Vitamin A-70mg
Vitamin C- 1mg
It also possesses phyto agglutinin, globulin,psoralin and coumesterol in considerable amount.
Taste: astringent mixed sweet
Quality: light,penetrative, hot
Potency: hot
Biological transformation: pungent
Doshic action: pacifier of vata pitta and kapha doshas
Lithotripsic (asmari bhedana)
Lipolytic (medohara)
Spermicidal (shukrahara)
Burning (vidahi)
Diuretic (mutrala)
Eye tonic(chakshushya)
Analgesic (shoola prasamana)
Coolant (daha prashamana) (on application)
Laxative (bhedana)
Sangrahi (absorbent)
Healing (vrana ropana)
Anti inflammatory (sotha hara)
Diaphoretic (sweda karaka)
Wormicidal (krimighna)
Vata pacifier (vata hara)
Good in the treatment of urinary calculi, cough, cold, dysuria , urinary disorders, asthma, hic cough,rhinitis,burning of the body, heftiness ,fever, worm infestation, oedema, haemorrhoids, gaseous tumors,eye disorders,goitre,rheumatoid arthritis, allergic disorders and dysmenorrhoea
Contra indications
In the individuals who are suffering from acid peptic disorders (gastritis) and bleeding disorders.
People who are under rejuvinatory therapy (rasayana chikitsa) are better to avoid this in routine diet.
Pharmaco therapeutic uses of horse gram in various contexts
1. Rheumatoid arthritis- soup of horse gram (kulattha yusha)
2. Excess perspiration- powder of fried horse gram is rubbed to the body
3. Chronic cough – ghee or linctus (lehya) prepared out of horse gram/soup of horse gram
4. Urinary calculi- decoction of horse gram or medicated ghee prepared out of horse gram.
5. Amenorrhea/ dysmenorrhoea- to the decoction of horse gram, asafoetida is added and given
6. Utricaria – soup of dried raddish and horse gram
Evening snack
Here is a tasty and nutritive evening snack that can be prepared out of horse gram
100 mg horse gram
400ml water
10 g salt as per ones desire
20 g jaggery
25g coconut pulp
Pepper and cumine seed- 1 g each
Ghee- 5ml
Curry leaf
Method of preparation
1. Stoneless horse gram is washed and cleane
2. On the previous day, water is added and soaked
3. Next day, it is cooked well with the same water
4. On proper cooking, salt ,jaggery,pepper and cumin seeds are added and mixed well
5. 5 ml ghee is added and mixed
6. Coconut pulp is added at the end and if required seasoning is carried.
This is served when it is warm.
It is very tasty and nutritive.
This dish is good in chronic cold, cough,urinary disorders,etc
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