Vegetables are the body replenishers. Without the vegetables, one cannot assume a single day, as it fulfills many kind of dietary need. Even the people who prefer to have non vegetarian diet, fond of at least a single variety of vegetable every day. It is very essential to know the health benefits and qualities of various classical vegetables based upon the age old Ayurvedic treatises. Here is a brief note regarding various classical vegetables:
Cucumber- absorbent, laxative and coolant; good in diarrhea, urinary disorders, body heat etc.,
Curry leaf- absorbent, carminative, body detoxifier, anti inflammatory and good in malabsorption, haemorroids and food poisoning.
Spinach- aphrodisiac, coolant, detoxifier, laxative, demulcent; good in bleeding disorders.
Ash gourd- coolant, brain tonic, bulk enhancer, detoxifier, antidote, diuretic; good in mania, loss of memory, urinary disorders, heftiness etc.
Mustard leaf- constipative,carminative; increases the complaints like dysuria.Good in indigestion.
Potato- constipative, increases the dryness of the body and enhances the musculature. Increases the chances of acid peptic disorders, distention of abdomen etc
Coccine/couregette fruit- heavy, coolant, astringent, body detoxifier; excess intake decreases the memory powerand interpretation ability.
Brinjal- causes sepsis and increases bilious disorders; but decreases the cough, cold, breathlessness etc.,
Drumstick- carminative, digestive, body detoxifier and promotes sexual virility.
Snake gourd- absorbs water content and helps in body detoxification.
Bittergourd- hot in potency and constipative .Excess intake causes mouth ulcer, hemorrhoids, burning maturation, fever, neurological disorders and bilious complaints.
Raddish- carminative, analgesic and diaphoretic; useful in cough, hiccup, poisonous conditions, breathlessness, pain in the flanks and hemorrhoids.
Onion- pacifies vata, carminative, aphrodisiac, complexion enhancer, revitaliser, useful in gaseous tumors, worm infestation, hemorrhoids etc.
So, it will be wise to rethink regarding the qualities of each vegetable in parallel with the classical ideologies, than mere thinking of the nutritive values and calorie yield.
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