Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Reasons to Use Herbal Remedies & 10 Herbs to Explore
There was a time when taking “alternative” medicine was considered “fringe” and laughed at by medical (read: real) doctors. But the herbal medicine field has exploded (a 2009 article pegged Americans spending $34 billion on natural treatments annually) and more people have discovered that natural remedies — herbs, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, etc) are quite effective and are, in some cases, easier on your body than traditional medical approaches. Why not refresh your medicine cabinet and see how herbs and natural treatments can benefit you?
While there’s a Walgreens or CVS seemingly now on every corner, people didn’t always have a pharmacy to get a prescription filled. Throughout time, people used herbs and other natural remedies to ease or cure their ailments. Sure, modern medicine has elevated healthcare to a new level and, while we’d never knock (and fully believe in) medical advancements, sometimes it pays to investigate a natural route.
Alternative medicine has proven to work in many cases, even to help people going through chemotherapy for cancer. But you can also use herbs to ease a headache or nausea. Sometimes all it takes is having an herbal tea or adding a few drops of a tincture to water a few times a day. Need more convincing? Read on.

When & Why to Use Herbal Remedies

When and Why to Use Herbal Remedies
There are many times when you may want to substitute herbs for over-the-counter or prescription pharmaceuticals. Obviously, if you have a serious or life-threatening illness, be sure to see a doctor and don’t self-diagnose or -treat your illness. While herbs are great, they are often not regulated by the FDA and manufacturers of these products are “not legally able to ‘diagnose’ a condition, nor are they allowed to make certain health claims on their labels,” .
10 Herbs to Use … But For What?
10 Herbs to Use & Why
Different herbs treat different ailments and, without taking a course in herbology, it can be a little tricky to navigate those waters. Below is a quick-look guide at some popular herbs and how they can help. Keep in mind there are many more natural remedies and that while some are helpful, they can also have some negative effects so you should always do your research or consult a professional.
  • St John’s Wort: Used to treat anti-depression and improve mood
  • Fenugreek: Helpful in producing milk in lactating women; aids in improving libido; can help reduce sugar cravings
  • Tulsi Plant Leaf: Also known as holy basil, tulsi good for easing a mucous-filled cough and reducing stuffed sinuses. Asthma sufferers can benefit from taking tulsi. The herb also aids in digestion and can assist with stomachaches and constipation.
  • Ginseng or Gynostemma: Both herbs can down-regulate sugar levels and therefore are beneficial for people with type II diabetes. In addition to using herbs, type II diabetes can be treated through better diet and changing your lifestyle, according to both Miller and the folks at Elan Veda.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Used to aid circulation and blood flow, which could help improve memories. Some studies show it can help folks suffering from dementia, too.
  • Valerian Root: Has been shown to aid in sleep disorders and help reduce anxiety.
  • Echinachea: Helps boost the body’s immune system.
  • Kava Kava: This herb has been used to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Peppermint: When you get a headache and if you don’t have any feverfew nearby, peppermint oil can help reduce the pain. Use the drops on a cold compress or in a hot steam and breathe it in.
  • Lavender: The essential oils from lavender can help reduce anxiety and ease your mood.

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